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Best products and services

  • D E S N
    D E S N
    Professional design customization
    Comprehensive, fast and accurate design experience

    According to the customer's product positioning needs, comprehensive consideration of product performance and production cost, design drawings are made for customer confirmation. After review, preliminary proofing is carried out, and the product appearance and button functions are comprehensively tested. If there are no abnormalities, trial production and mass production are carried out.
  • Q U A L
    Q U A L
    Customer needs are our goal
    ISO standardized quality management system

    Raw materials are inspected upon entering the factory, and printing is fully automated in the dust-free workshop. High and low temperature and acid-base environment simulation tests, membrane switch tester, keyboard tester, key life tester and other computer programming tests. As well as inspections and random inspections between various production processes to comprehensively ensure stable and reliable product quality.
  • S E R V
    S E R V
    Excellent and efficient after-sales service
    Regular visits, continuous follow, depth cooperation

    We respond promptly and quickly to provide customers with efficient and high-quality services. Starting from customer needs, considering customer interests, aiming at customer satisfaction, we establish a win-win community of interests with customers and build a long-term and stable cooperation platform.


Satisfying customers is our pursuit


Develop new technologies and always be the industry benchmark

Mobile:86-15917665456 Telephone:4001079418
Address:No. 4 Junxiang Road, Zhangmutou, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
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